Fabric: Eros Petrol (B)
It is a sofa that doesn’t need to be categorised - equally accomplished in its expression and functionality. Samba is a natural place for meetings, rest, and socialising regardless of the environment or context it is placed in. Samba can be ordered in 3 different back cushions and with 5 varying styles of armrests to suit your leisure style fully. Adding to Samba’s organic design language, several of its modules are curved, enabling you to create a sofa group made up of circles or round flowing shapes.
Shipping6 - 8 Week Delivery
It is a sofa that doesn’t need to be categorised - equally accomplished in its expression and functionality. Samba is a natural place for meetings, rest, and socialising regardless of the environment or context it is placed in. Samba can be ordered in 3 different back cushions and with 5 varying styles of armrests to suit your leisure style fully. Adding to Samba’s organic design language, several of its modules are curved, enabling you to create a sofa group made up of circles or round flowing shapes.
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