Fabric: Oliver Nature (A)
The Ava armchair has a friendly shape that was inspired by the calming sensation one experiences from picking up a pebble at the beach. It features soft, rounded organic lines and a well-padded frame that provides a sense of comfort and relaxation. The armchair also has a swivelling base, making it versatile and suitable for various uses and functions. Even smaller spaces can accommodate this armchair comfortably.
Shipping6 - 8 Week Delivery
The Ava armchair has a friendly shape that was inspired by the calming sensation one experiences from picking up a pebble at the beach. It features soft, rounded organic lines and a well-padded frame that provides a sense of comfort and relaxation. The armchair also has a swivelling base, making it versatile and suitable for various uses and functions. Even smaller spaces can accommodate this armchair comfortably.
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